The Men’s Ministry at Providence exists to equip and encourage men to hold fast to the Word of God and walk in the work He has called them to do.
We gather for breakfast every third Saturday from 8 am - 9:30am. At our Men’s Breakfast we share a good meal, teach through the books of the Bible, and discuss the word together. All men are welcome!
Hang Out
The men of Providence get together every other month to hang out and build relationships. Whether it is a backyard BBQ or playing yard games at a local brewery, it is always good to spend time together and catch up.
Each year, we have a Men's conference that focuses on build relationships among the men, study the Word, and apply it to our lives.
Providence Men
We have officially kicked off our new podcast called Sword & Shadows. In this podcast, we dive into books of the Bible that we are currently teaching through in the Men’s Ministry and various other topics.