The Road Fellowship is a one year program for recent high school graduates that focuses on laying a strong foundation of biblical truth and offers various discipleship and ministry opportunities.
The fellowship program will have 5 main areas of focus: prayer, study, service, mentorship, and community with other participants.
The Road Fellowship schedule is 8am to 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The schedule is designed to allow participants to also work and take college classes while in the program. Participants are required to serve at their local churches weekly.​
$1500 per year / $750 per semester
Participants of the Road Fellowship will have classroom time as a part of their study focus. During classroom time, the participants will take 6 courses. A brief description of each course is provided below:
The Bible is a story about God. The Christian understanding of the Scripture has always been that from Genesis to Revelation God is unfolding for us the history of his redemptive purposes in the earth culminating in two events: (1) the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and (2) the promised return of Christ and restoration of all things. As God unfolds this revelation, he not only unpacks for us the story of redemption, but he unveils our eyes to see him for who he truly is. Understanding the Bible as a story about God will shape your perspective, challenge your understanding, and form your affections for the Lord.
Christians have a bad reputation for rarely agreeing on things. Although not exactly true, we have done a fair amount over the course of history to earn this stereotype. Interestingly, Jesus told his disciples that the unity of his followers would cause his message to flourish and his kingdom to expand all over the globe - and so it has. So, despite our various disagreements, Christians have been unified about major theological issues for a long time. Exploring the essentials of Christian belief will help any disciple dive more deeply into the fundamental truths that the Scriptures teach, and provide clarity in a time when many fundamental truths are being debated.
Although the spiritual growth of the Christian occurs from the same course as the new birth of the Christian - God’s grace alone - the formation of disciples into the image of Christ includes human effort in a way that is unlike our salvation. We grow in Christ as we walk in the Spirit and live out the implications of our faith trusting in God’s ability to shape and mold us daily. Developing healthy rhythms of spiritual formation help to imbed the Christian in the truth of Scripture, safeguard them from isolation, and mobilize them to good works that were providentially prepared by God for them to walk in.
Analyze gospel themes through selected pieces of literature and learn to think critically when encountering other views.
Learn to share the gospel message in relevant ways to those you encounter in your sphere of influence.
This course will equip students for everyday life skills and tasks like budgeting, scheduling, resume writing, etc.
When Should I Arrive?We have two Sunday morning gathering times, one at 9 am and one at 10:45 am. We do invite you to come a few minutes earlier to enjoy a cup of coffee, meet some of our members, and, if you have children, get them checked in to our kid's ministry.
Where Should I Go?Every Sunday, you will see our ushers directing parking lot traffic and escorting visitors to our entrance. Once you arrive inside, you will have many options at your fingertips. We encourage you to grab a coffee in our Multipurpose area off to the left. Our sanctuary is off to the right once you get past the Connect Booth, and our kid's area is straight to the back of the church. Either way, we aim for one of our Connect Agents or Staff Members to connect with you once you walk through the doors.
What Are My Childcare Options?We are passionate about communicating the truth of the gospel in age-appropriate ways. Thus, we provide PROVIDENCE KIDS for children aged 2 months through 5th grade at Sunday Gatherings. If you have a child with special needs, please email our Providence Kids Director, Julie Weaver, to let us know how best to serve you!
What Should I Wear?Our Sunday Gatherings are casual and familial. We're a church for people from all walks of life. Please wear whatever is most comfortable for you.
What Happens on Sundays?On Sundays, we sing songs together, pray privately and corporately, hear the Bible preached, and partake of the sacrament of communion.
Is There Anything That Happens Throughout the Week?"We believe in creating a culture of mutual care and discipleship at Providence Community Church. While worshipping on Sunday together is essential and commanded, biblical community is the natural pairing to that. This is where our Home Groups come in. Throughout the week, our people gather in homes to enjoy a meal, read the Bible, pray, and serve one another as outlined in Acts 2:42-47. Feel free to visit our "Connect" tab to learn more."